Date: 2025-03-08

With the collaboration of Nepal trade union congress, Bagmati state , team Tamang doctors society Nepal had conducted a successful 2 days “emergency help desk” in Dasarath stadium, kathmandu where B.P. Koirala memorial first “worker cup badminton competition”- 2080 was held . This “worker cup badminton competition” was organized by the Nepal trade union congress , Bagmati state itself .

As Tamang Doctors society(TDS) Nepal never fails to provide health services in the area of need .Team TDS was also able to organize a small health camp for the players with the motto of giving health related aid and to handle the emergency cases in case it happened.

Motto of the team was fulfilled as planned. TDS was able to give free check ups for the injuries and first aid along with the treatments through the team of doctors who came forward to volunteer during the game.

Editor: Tusha maya tamang
