Date: 2025-03-07

Under the health campaign during covid-19 , Tamang Doctors society Nepal and Nepal Tamang Ghedung, jointly organized a one day free health campaign in konjyosom rural municipality, ward no.1, chaughare, lalitpur . The program was conducted in “Bhairav secondary school” located in konjyosom rural municipality in order to meet the requirement for a campaign which includes proper/adequate space , center point of that rural municipality etc.

The campaign provides free health check ups, health consultation , covid-19 testing, awareness messages, major to minor treatment, distribution of medicines and other health materials. The campaign was carried out in presence of a specialist team of doctors from different departments, nurses ,Dental doctors , pharmacist and other medical personnel . List of the services provided during campaign: Dental check ups, Pediatrics check ups, Orthopedic check ups, Video x-ray (USG) for pregnant ladies, Other normal health check ups

The total number of people who came to the campaign and benefited were 500 including 59 cases of obstetric scans were done. Medicines and other health material of worth 2.5 lakh were also donated to the lele pharmacy in order to aid during covid-19 pandemic. There was also support from “Miss Tamang Winners society of Nepal” during the campaign to encourage and provide a helping hand .

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our doctors and other medical personnel who willingly stepped forward to volunteer and contribute during the campaign. We also extend our heartfelt thanks to Nepal Tamang Ghedung, Miss Tamang winners society of Nepal and every health branch , health post , employees of covid hospital for their valuable support in making this campaign successful .

Editor: Tusha Maya Tamang
